Buoy barnacle (Dosima fascicularis)

DE: Schaumfloß-Entenmuschel NL: Geplooide eendenmossel DK: Furet langhals
Short description everywhere, rare
Abundance 163 records , Distribution map
verdriftet drifted astray
Climate dependence
wärmeliebende Art Wärmebedürftige Art, breitet sich in Wärmeperioden im Wattenmeer aus
Classification Rankenfußkrebse
Buoy barnacle in WoRMS database
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Picture informations: Buoy barnacle

Author(s) Bente Krog
Licence owner Naturcenter Tønnisgård
Licence statement Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication)
Licence cc-by-nc 3.0
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